Selasa, 07 September 2010


7. Organize 

Rethink traditional nursing organization strategies
Things have changed in nursing. Old models of care delivery don’t work
anymore. The mo re we try to force them, the more frustrated we become.
Think about how you would organize yourself if you were preparing a four
course meal for eight. Or, how you would arrange carpooling several kids to
two events at the same time. Nurses are very organized people, but we need
to think “outside the box” of our traditional systems.
Use strategies from business
In Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, he lists several
methods that are helpful in becoming more organized. The first habit is to
“Be proactive”. This means to anticipate problems and look for solutions
before they happen. The second is to “Begin with the end in mind”. This
means to start your assignment by thinking about where you want to be at
the end of the shift, and then work toward that goal. Thirdly, put “First
things first”. Do those things that are likely to have the most impact first,
leave busywork for later. The forth habit is to “Think win/win”. Everyone
wants to know what’s in it for them. If you tell them, they will be more
likely to listen to what you have to say. The fifth habit is to “Seek first to
understand then to be understood”. Before a conversation begins, each
person has their own agenda. If you listen and try to understand their agenda
first, they will be more likely to listen to yours. The sixth is to “Synergize”.
Synergy occurs when we capitalize on everyone’s strengths. The last habit
is to “Sharpen the saw”. We need to take care of ourselves before we can be
of any use to others. 

next 11



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