Selasa, 07 September 2010


5. Use Clinical Tools 

Use bedside pocket references
A pocket reference guide is often helpful for those dealing with equipment
and situations that you rarely face. For example, many nurses rarely use
chest drainage. A pocket reference that explains how to assess a chest
drainage system would help in this situation. sells the
“Clipboard Companion” that offers several references and fits neatly on a
Invest in a Palm Pilot®
Many nurses are using Palm Pilot® devices, but not for their address book
and organizer functions. Instead, these devices can hold several reference
books full of information and be carried in a shirt pocket. A great device is
the Palm Zire 71. It has a high-resolution screen that is easy to read in
multiple lighting situations. It also has enough available memory to hold
several references.
Good site for Palm Pilot® software is a good starting place when searching for Palm Pilot®
software. They have several titles for nurses in any specialty. PEPID-RN is
one of the software titles. PEPID-RN is written by nurses, for nurses.
Therefore, it has specific nursing implications and patient teaching
information that other software products lack.
I couldn’t function without my Palm Pilot. I use it a s my main drug
reference, in the ED you don’t have time to thumb through a medication
book. – JC, RN

next 8



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